Korean Martial Arts Summer Camp:
Tour of Chosun University

Monday, July 2nd, 2001
Chosun University
Kwangju, Korea
All Photos © 2001 Ting Vogel (except where noted)

 On the Bus (©L.Liu)
 Nigel and James
 Three Musketeers
 Chosun University
 Dr. Seung-Doo Wee
 Dr. Ur Presents Award (©R.Lee)
 Vice-Chancellor Hwang Accepts Award (©R.Lee)
 Meeting (©R.Lee)
 Efren and Taren
 Panoramic View of Chosun
 Vogel Bus Sign
 Dr. Ur does Accupressure
 Exchanging Money
 Dr. Ur Presents Award (©L.Liu)
 Dr. Wee Accepts Award
 Chosun Taekwondo Team
 Group Picture (©R.Lee)
 Ting and Kevin (©E.Carrillo)
 Center Area of University (©L.Liu)
 Anti-American Sentiments (©R.Lee)
 Bikes on Rooftop

We started the day with a breakfast of kimchee. Hmmm.. three meals a day... eleven days... 33 meals of kimchee! Oh boy! After breakfast, Ga Young dropped Sterling and I off at Chosun University where we regrouped with the rest. The morning's activities included a tour of Chosun, meeting officials, and exchanging money.

Chosun University was founded in 1946. The College of Physical Education, where we were going to work out, is only one of many colleges on the campus. Unlike places like Yongin University and the Korean Sports University, Chosun's main emphasis is not on sports, although it still offered degrees in sports like the sports universities.

Dr. Seung-Doo Wee,  Dean of the Sports College, greeted us first; then, we were herded into a small meeting room where we met Vice-Chancellor Hwang. Dr. Ur had appreciation plagues for both Dr. Wee and Vice-Chancellor Hwang. Most of the meeting with Vice-Chancellor Hwang was conducted in Korean, so we sat politely and tried not to fidget too much. We also got to meet the Chosun Taekwondo Team and took group pictures with them.

After the formalities, we settled on the more practical task of exchanging money. Exchanging money turned out to be a huge endeavor. The exchange rate was about 1.2 wons (the Korean currency unit) to the dollar. Since so many of us needed to exchange money, we pooled all the money together and had only three of us do the actual money exchange at the bank. I was one of the three. I am not sure if I have ever had so much cash in my hands at once! Thoughts of skipping town danced through my head...

After lunch, we all headed to the Campus Store for some shopping.